Take action , on the spot!

During Gnomedex 2007, Justin, from Justin TV, was calm but he did show a bit of quick on the spot thinking with respect to advertising. After Justin talked about how he got to this point in time and the tech equipment origins, he sat for a bit and then asked if anyone was interested in having their logo/company name on his hat. He proceeded to auction the bit of white space starting at $5. How he handled that was a great bit of self promotion and hucspaugh (sp? bold, direct, brave, daring). The bid finally ended at $750 and Justin committing to wearing the hat with the ad for the rest of the month. Amazing.

b5media won the auction...

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Guy Kawasaki at Gnomedex

If you have never heard Guy Kawasaki (blog at http://blog.guykawasaki.com/) "evangelist" talk, here is audience capture audio from Gnomedex 2007 (MP3 audio link). Apparently others had already heard this talk word for word and was not as fun for them. But I enjoyed the presentation. It was entertaining and thoughtful. Some of his points about being an evangelist:

1. Make meaning
2. Make mantra
3. Roll the DICEE
  • Deep
  • Intelligent
  • Complete
  • Elegant
  • Emotive
4. Niche thyself
  • Showed 2 x 2 grid; ability to provide unique product or service by value to customer=> be in the upper right quadrant
5. Let a hundred flowers bloom
6. Make it personal
7. Find the true influencers
8. Enable a test drive
9. Look agnostic, not atheist
10. Provide a slippery slope
11. Don't let the bozos grind you down

Here is PDF of the presentation used by Guy.

Guy also used the phrase "Don't worry be crappy", told of his Yahoo story, and mentioned obtaining the presentation by sending email request to Gina@garage.com.

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Ignite Seattle

At Gnomedex 2007 the Ignite Seattle was an excellent session. Ignite Seattle folks provided great entertainment and poked our brain. My favorite Ignite Seattle session was Elan Lee's "LIFE: if you’re bored, you’re doing it wrong".

My other favorite Ignite Seattle sessions were "Make Art Not Content" by Scotto Moore and the very practical "Venture Capital Term Sheets" by Leo Dirac.

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Open money

At Gnomedex 2007 Michael Linton spoke about the current monetary systems in place and how they really don't make us "free". Michael advocated open money as a way to organize and really be in control. I am not an economist nor able to speak about monetary policy. But what I found interesting is how to view money in a different light (new perspective) and what ideas can be generated and acted upon.

The Open Money Project explains what open money is about. Of interest are the way people behave and act when the idea of money is shifted from centralized systems to localized systems.

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From pictures to beyond pictures

Quick note from Seattle: Are you a photo site user (Flickr, Shutterfly, etc)? When these all started I wondered what you could do with collecting tons of pictures... Obvious was the print them to photo paper. Now...

Shutterfly allows you to design and create a photo album and then send you a bound version of as a gift. My wife did that for her grandmother's 90th birthday party. I shot the pics and she arranged them into a book. Shutterfly really has taken the plain old photo and turned it into an enhancement to a variety of products.

Moo allows you to take your Flickr pics and create mini cards or sticker books. Chris Brogan showed me at Gnomedex his sticker book of Flickr pics; he used the stickers to supplement his business cards. Add a sticker while you are handing your card to someone and they will remember it more.

CafePress turns this a bit around... Like Shutterfly it allows you to create products but then goes further by providing a you a way to create products and sell them to others. Take pictures and then get people to buy stuff with your pictures on them.

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