From pictures to beyond pictures

Quick note from Seattle: Are you a photo site user (Flickr, Shutterfly, etc)? When these all started I wondered what you could do with collecting tons of pictures... Obvious was the print them to photo paper. Now...
Shutterfly allows you to design and create a photo album and then send you a bound version of as a gift. My wife did that for her grandmother's 90th birthday party. I shot the pics and she arranged them into a book. Shutterfly really has taken the plain old photo and turned it into an enhancement to a variety of products.
Moo allows you to take your Flickr pics and create mini cards or sticker books. Chris Brogan showed me at Gnomedex his sticker book of Flickr pics; he used the stickers to supplement his business cards. Add a sticker while you are handing your card to someone and they will remember it more.
CafePress turns this a bit around... Like Shutterfly it allows you to create products but then goes further by providing a you a way to create products and sell them to others. Take pictures and then get people to buy stuff with your pictures on them.
Labels: innovation, new uses, photo

They can be fun. Mix and match USEFUL ones and fun ones. : )
Posted by:
Chris Brogan |
3:06 PM