Products and servcies

Innovation Igniter™ - A learning system that empowers you and your people to create new innovations and real value.
Survey of People-Practices in Innovation™ - Knowing Where to Begin. InnovationCreation believes that innovation is defined as adding value through the implementation of new ideas, and every organization has some capacity to innovate. Those organizations hoping to increase their innovation capacity must "take their temperature" from time to time, first to establish a baseline and then to measure progress. The Survey of People-Practices in Innovation™ is a self-diagnostic tool that can provide immediate direction for moving forward.
Innovation Game Plan™ – a complete guide to developing a sustainable competency of innovation. One feature of the Innovation Game Plan™ is the determination of whether or not you can do what needs to be done by marshalling internal resources or if you will need to bring in outside trainers and consultants. Another aspect of the Innovation Game Plan™ is helping you build a business case for the program in order to gain the buy-in and budget needed to make it a success. This involves linking the innovation work directly to the strategic objectives of the organization and developing the metrics that will be used to measure the success of the program.
A common wisdom is “Well begun; half done.” We operate on that philosophy and believe that our unique competence is in helping organizations do the upfront design and thinking that will take them where they want to go.
InnovationWizard™, Survey of People-Practices in Innovation™, Innovation Game Plan™, and Innovation Igniter™ are trademarks of ThinkSmart, LLC.
