7 steps to innovation ... or not

A friend of mine sent me a link to these steps (link here) and asked if I agree with these steps to innovation inside a company.

1. Identify an institutional need that intersects with your passion.

2. Get a clear vision of your goal (this step includes doing your homework on what others have done).

3. Enlist support from others and seek feedback (really two parts here).

4. Create value -- at first this means working on your own time without compensation or recognition.

5. Document and share your success/progress.

6. Work to institutionalize your product/service/vision (be satisfied with baby steps; they add up).

7. Persist despite setbacks.

The steps come in the order above, but you also need to return to previous steps. It's iterative. For example, at certain points you'll need to refocus your vision; you'll need to continue to create value, etc.

By doing these seven steps you have the best chance to succeed. If you fail to do any of these steps, you will fail. Guaranteed.

--BJ Fogg ||| www.bjfogg.info

Humm... I agree in concept. My gut reaction is that this is formula like; doing all these steps does not guarantee innovation. If you do everything on the list you still can end up with un-innovate things.

The other gut reaction: These are not deep sentences. They read easy and quick. But some of these take a _lot_ of work. The one I have trouble with all the time: "Enlist support from others and seek feedback."

This requires hunting down people, cajoling, convincing, bribing, enticing, directing them, wishing them to really participate. This is an art, I am convinced of this. There are people I know that can never get people to follow them on a project or idea and there are others that people will quit their jobs to follow the person's idea.

Create value is another high level easy to state item that has large implications. Understanding what the value is, figuring out how to create value by doing deep dives into the customer or environment, knowing who will actually value the created value, etc. hard hard hard.

I think number 7 is the most important. I have seen some ideas that would never have been done if persistence was not involved. I would add 8. (ok 7.1) "be prepared to take slings and arrows".

The list is a good start but it takes practice and experience to get these steps to the point they really start to create innovative ideas.

InnovationCreation and The City of Beech Grove Redevelopment Commission launch initiative to discover and explore possible kids’ venues.

BEECH GROVE , IN – November 9, 2006

InnovationCreation and the Redevelopment Commission of the City of Beech Grove launched an initiative to discover and explore possible future kids’ venues for the City of Beech Grove. While the City of Beech Grove provides traditional recreational and play spaces (swings, playgrounds, play fields) for children, there are not many options for recreation and performance for kids between the ages of 12 and 18.

During December 2006 and January 2007, InnovationCreation will organize and lead Beech Grove citizens of all ages through a set of discovery and exploration activities. The activities will generate information that will be integrated into the Redevelopment Commission’s road map for spaces and venues for young adults.

InnovationCreation will use four key activities - Learn, Look, Ask, and Try – to gain insight and understanding about venues and spaces currently in place and to discover new possibilities and alternatives not previously considered. These activities will also create a conversation and dialog with Beech Grove citizens and seek to gain their insight on the potential road map activities.

This project is part of the Better, Brighter Beech Grove initiative, the Beech Grove effort being lead by Joe Wright, Mayor of Beech Grove, and the City of Beech Grove Redevelopment Commission.

“These projects are the perfect example of Beech Grove moving forward. They are designed to improve the quality of life for as many people as possible – by enhancing the aesthetics, inviting greater closeness and involvement in our community, and improving the economic base to the benefit of residents and businesses alike.” said the Mayor of Beech Grove Joe Wright

About InnovationCreation – InnovationCreation, an Indianapolis based innovation firm, helps companies and organizations put in place innovation tools, process, and culture to guide those organizations toward products and services their customers really want.

Contact: John Blue
5802 Petersburg Parkway
Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 USA

About the Redevelopment Commission of the City of Beech Grove - The members of the Redevelopment Commission (RDC) are all citizens of Beech Grove who have been appointed by the Mayor of Beech Grove and City Council of Beech Grove to oversee the completion of redevelopment projects. They have been chosen to carry out the vision of a Better, Brighter, Beech Grove set forth by the Mayor, but they are primarily an autonomous commission and are free to make their own decisions in the best interests of the people of Beech Grove.

Contact: Teri Cincebox
The City of Beech Grove
806 Main Street
Beech Grove, Indiana 46107 USA

Additional information can be found on the Better Beech Grove web site

About InnovationCreation

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