Innovation along linear thinking versus innovation along non-linear thinking
Innovation along linear thinking versus innovation along non-linear thinking; are they still innovation? In Leading the Revolution by Gary Hamel, discusses how companies that truly are going to grow and really create value in this "new industrial order" will need to think and innovate in a nonlinear fashion.
In a Fortune Magazine article (Aug 2004), Gary says most companies are toxic to innovation:
"Most large companies have a change model that is essentially borrowed from poorly governed Third World dictatorships. The only way you can change them is with a coup. When a company gets into trouble, the board changes the CEO. So many companies think they can only be run by geniuses. Ordinary employees have abdicated their responsibility for being agents of change. Most people's innovation impulses lie dormant as they wait for the great vision to come down from the top."
Can you shake your company's "dictatorship"?
In a Fortune Magazine article (Aug 2004), Gary says most companies are toxic to innovation:
"Most large companies have a change model that is essentially borrowed from poorly governed Third World dictatorships. The only way you can change them is with a coup. When a company gets into trouble, the board changes the CEO. So many companies think they can only be run by geniuses. Ordinary employees have abdicated their responsibility for being agents of change. Most people's innovation impulses lie dormant as they wait for the great vision to come down from the top."
Can you shake your company's "dictatorship"?
