About InnovationCreation and how to contact us.

5802 Petersburg Parkway
Indianapolis, IN 46254


email InnovationCreation

What does "innovation" really mean and what can I do to become "more innovative"? I have an idea but what do I do next? How do I find innovative people? How can my company be more innovative?

These questions are being asked everyday by business and education leaders pressured to "be more innovative." Companies and organizations struggle with the innovation process and how to apply it. And while there’s no magic bullet for innovation, you can put in place actions, training, and environment that cultivates an innovation mindset and prepares your staff to recognize and act upon new opportunities.

InnovationCreation helps you put in place innovation tools, process, and culture to steer your company to products and services customers really want.

About InnovationCreation

Flickr pictures

    This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from jlblue tagged with gnomedex2007. Make your own badge here.
    This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called 2006 Podcast Expo. Make your own badge here.
    This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called Elsie Stix. Make your own badge here.