Light witty humor makes you think what you take for granted in contests

Last night my wife announced that we need to submit 15 reports to Angie's List so we could win a Nikon 4-megapixel digital camera. I always get suspicious of such contests; was it every Angie's List member who submits 15 qualifying reports gets a digital camera? "Yep" said my wife. So she immediately put in 8 reports. I had a stack of roof repair estimates that I know would be qualified so I planned to enter in some reports.
Later in the evening my wife mentioned in a straight face "The rules state that they may substitute prizes if they run out of cameras ... So we may end up with one-hundred bags of M&M". :)
"Members who submit 15 or more qualifying reports will receive a Nikon 4-megapixel digital camera. Only one prize per household. Cameras will be shipped prior to November 30, or upon first availability from the distributor. (Angie's List reserves the right to substitute the prize for one of equal value if the designated prize should become unavailable for any reason.) Angie's List is not responsible for damage incurred in shipping. "
In all seriousness, they really could substitute a "prize of equal value" in bags of M&Ms.
